Channel: Anuj Garg Coaching
Category: Education
Tags: upsc preparationhistory for upsc cseias preparationupsc cseswadeshi movement of india upscupsc exam strategyunacademyhistorymodern historyanuj garg coaching lectureias 2021modern history of indiaanuj garg historyupsc live classesswadeshi movementupsc 2021unacademy upscmodern history upscunacademy historyindian historyanuj garg unacademyunacademy live
Description: In this lesson, Anuj Garg teaches about - National Movement - Era of Extremists , The reforms of Viceroy Curzon , Partition of Bengal, Swadeshi Movement and Formation of muslim League - for UPSC CSE. It is very important for the UPSC CSE/IAS 2021 preparation. Enroll Now for Combat : UNLOCK CODE - ANUJUPSC